The Gobi+ cameras are based on an uncooled microbolometer detector with a 640 x 480 pixel resolution. The Gobi+ offers frame rates up to 60 Hz and lower detector NETD options (<30 mK available upon request). The camera is designed for use in scientific & advanced research, medical and process monitoring applications.

A prominent feature on the XR5 is the integrated Auto-Gated power supply, facilitating operations under dynamic lighting conditions. The XR5 IIT can suit a variety of environments, under low light levels.

Typical FOM 1600

Auto-Gate intensifier tube

Good performances at low light levels

Operations in different field conditions

The XR5™ image intensifier tube from Photonis enables users to detect more details during operations in a variety of environments. A prominent feature on the XR5™ os the integrated Auto-Gated power supply, facilitating operations under dynamic lighting conditions.

Auto-Gating constantly operates to improve the quality of the image, not only during day-night-day transitions, but also under dynamic lighting conditions, such as military operations in urban terrain which define many of today’s missions.